Let’s talk about the fascinating world of blending octanes in gasoline. Finding the perfect combination of components can really make a difference in optimizing results. When it comes to blending, paraffin-rich components tend to play well together, while heavy aromatics don’t quite mix as smoothly.
There’s a difference between the tested octane result on paper and how the product actually behaves when blended with other components. For instance, sub-octane products like Raffinate and Naphtha can have a blend value up to 7 numbers higher than their paper/tested value, especially when combined with positive components like Alkylate and even more so when mixed with Oxygenates such as Ethanol and MTBE. What does this mean? This means that a carefully optimized blend can outperform the expected octane rating by half a point or more, which opens up some really exciting opportunities.
Beware of reaching a point of diminishing returns. While a blend using 15% Raffinate can give you a great boost, adding more Raffinate beyond that won’t have the same impact. On the other hand, Alkylate performs like a “champ,” even in blends with over 60% of its composition. So, it’s all about finding that sweet spot for the perfect blend.
Contact our Blending specialists if you have any questions about your blending operations.