The time to prepare is now.
Even though the EUDR’s main obligations apply from 30 December 2024, they affect the ability to market products produced now. Operators must ensure that products entering the EU market are not from land deforested or degraded since 31 December 2020. Non-compliant products cannot be placed on the EU market after 30 December 2024.
Regulatory scrutiny will be intense.
Regulatory scrutiny will require extensive data on products and suppliers for compliance. Organizations should prioritize understanding the legal obligations of the EUDR, defining a compliance framework, implementing centralized data-gathering capabilities, and establishing key processes with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. Non-compliance could result in severe fines and reputational damage.
More than checking a box on a form
Data needed for compliance is best sourced by boots on the ground. The EUDR mandates that many economic operators conduct a thorough analysis of their supply chains to ensure the products they market or export do not contribute to deforestation or forest degradation. Additionally, these products must be sourced and produced in full compliance with the regulations of their countries of origin