Do you know why it’s important to take water cuts? It’s essential to check for free water in your product for several reasons. Firstly, you wouldn’t want to pay for water as if it were part of your petroleum product. Secondly, the contamination of fuels with water can lead to significant issues in fuel storage systems and engines. We exclude water and sediment volume to calculate the product’s Net Standard Volume (NSV). Water cuts are necessary for every product, except for asphalt or similar products, where water would be found in the form of steam due to the high temperature (>212 degrees F).
Determining your product’s API gravity is important to identify where water might be located in a tank. API gravity measures the relative density of a petroleum liquid compared to water (in other words, how heavy or light the liquid is compared to water). If the API gravity is greater than 10, the product (cargo) is lighter and floats on water; if the product is less than 10 API, it is heavier, and water will be on top. Crude oil typically has an API between 10 and 50.
In our industry, we rely on two unique methods for detecting the presence of free water. One of them is open gauging with a gauge tape and bob assembly. A water paste (also nicknamed ‘peanut butter’ for its color, brands like Kolor Kut, McCabe’s, Universal, Gasolia, or Sar-Gel) is applied to the bob of a gauge tape. This paste changes color upon contact with water, providing a clear visual indication. In close system gauging, the electronic sensor of a UTI/MMC determines the water-to-product interface. Our field inspectors have mastered the art of interpreting the water gauge, ensuring accurate detection of water in petroleum products.
If you require tank gauging service, contact our specialists at We’re ready to provide you with accurate and reliable measurements, giving you peace of mind about the quality of your products.